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NBAA Introduces AvMaSSI

LouSorrentino and Jose Munoz of AvMaSSIIt may be a new name in aviation safety but there’s a familiar face behind it.  NBAA gave an opportunity for Aviation & Marine Safety Solutions International (AvMaSSI) to introduce itself to the industry.  Headed by former SH&E executive Lou Sorrentino, the Palm Beach company with offices in London and Auckland, is offering IS-BAO preparation services, audit and manual review services as well as training for OSHA and SMS.

“We are addressing a broad expanse of client needs,” Sorrentino said.

Pictured above are Jose Muñoz and Lou Sorrentino at the NBAA Annual Conference in Orlando.

"Familiar faces in new safe harbour." FLIGHT EVENING NEWS
Oct. 2014 | Web Day 3 Oct. 2014 www.flightglobal.com/nbaa.